Thanks to his “ingenious vaccine” and drug that looks like Ivermectin, except you’re not allowed to call it Ivermectin, Pfizer’s Scrooge Mcduck and his team has decided that we might get back to normal soon.
Hopefully this isn’t just another one of those get your 4th or 5th shot stories as we get into the new scare season. While it is good to be skeptical, there are clear positive signs that the establishment lacks the will to keep up their story. For example.
The Czech Republic announced that they are opening up and dropping vaccine mandates.
Scotland is flirting with the ideas of removing all restrictions.
The UK ‘s health minister has finally come to some of his senses.
Then there is the Biden Mandate that dropped after the Supreme Court Ruling.
There is clear evidence of that consecutive boosters trigger enhancing antibodies i.e. they drive the variants.
Even here in France, you can tell from the media and the health minister that they simply cannot keep up the BS much longer. The “Pass Vaccinal” was downgraded a bit after the Senate sent it back to the Parliament. Restaurant owners cannot ask for identification and I don’t think that the police really wanted to enforce the law. Despite Macron’s Enthusiasm to “piss of the sub-citizen”, his spokes person Gabriel Attal couldn’t defend himself in Parliament without using the word “complotist”.
Would you believe that a sitting parliamentarian used the French Word for “conspiracy theorist” to avoid criticism? Yeah that is how absurd the Establishment’s current position is.
I thought that South Africa’s parliament was full of theatre with the endless and idiotic accusations of unfounded racism, but no Mr. Attal just took the cake for the dumbest statement yet.
A great woman to follow on Twitter is Martine Wonner, the French Parliamentarian who gave the Establishment all the scolding that they needed. She was on fire with her “J’ai honte pour vous”, I am ashamed of you speech.
What is clear to me is that the French aren’t going to surrender Rousseau’s social contract for the Social Credit Score. They simply aren’t going down without a fight. Clear signs are already the attitude that is taking hold in Marseilles. About a quarter of the city has been tested by Didier Raoult and the sick treated with Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, yet the minister of health stays in denial. Sud Radio and in particular the host André Berkoff is a pleasure to listen to. The radio station has done an astonishing job in deconstructing the entire government narrative during the pandemic and his videos on Youtube alone often gets over a million viewers.
The lesson to the establishment is that people know when their government lies to them and when legitimate critiques are censored. Everyone might not be a scientist, but ordinary people have common sense - they know when there is a rat.
Propaganda Collapses when those who propagate it cannot believe in their story anymore and the case for the vaccine passport is kept alive by the rigor mortis of a few dead on arrival technocratic ideas.
Let’s stay positive and keep speaking up.