As many of you probably know by now my wife is Iranian and I have taken a deep interest in the recent protests as well as the geopolitical situation in that country. My family in law still resides in Isfahan and the last thing that I would like to see is that the current protests morph into what occurred in Syria or Egypt in the aftermath of the Arab Spring.
I have done a few interviews on the subject that are available on my channel, but if I can recommend one for everyone to watch and spread around, it is with Prof. Muhammed Sahimi. As an Iranian who has been exiled for criticizing his own government, he carries absolutely no hatred to the Iranian Government and still believes that the country has the capability of reform. His knowledge of his own country and history is deep and he truly understands the difficulty that the current protestors face in confronting a the autocratic regime as well as the reality that outside forces will move to exploit the situation.
For those of us on the outside, the least we can do is to try and embolden the reform minded Iranians and discourage those elements within our own society that wishes for only for the language of violence and war.