Nuclear Energy, an industry overview
Presentation by Dave Nichols to the Institute of Civil Engineers
The following Presentation was given to the French Chapter of the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) by Dave Nichols, the chair of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA).
Description: During the last IPCC conference, world leaders were encouraged to consider nuclear power as a viable option for decarbonization. Mr. Nichols is going to give a presentation on the costs of the projects, the business case for nuclear power, the importance of dispatchable energy, vendor finance, how the regulator sees it, and what it entails to get Nuclear Power Plant going in the African context. He will also give his opinion as it relates to Small Modular Reactors (SMR) as he was the director of the first ever small scale commercial nuclear project (Pebble Bed Modular Reactor).
I would like to share the video with my audience to enhance public understanding of the topic. Whenever I have a question about nuclear power, I turn to Dave for guidance, and if he doesn't have the answer (which is rare), he directs me to the right expert.