What do the South African election results show?
South Africa’s elections are racial censuses. Minorities pool their votes together.
Zulu nationalism, and tribalism in general, is real. It was only suppressed when Zuma was vice president and president (not even Mandela could win Natal in 1994).
As the results in Natal Show.
The EFF is an increasingly irrelevant cult of personality. (National Results below)
Movement for Cape Independence never existed (they barely got any votes).
Dear Hügo, I am puzzled by your comment that, "The EFF is an increasingly irrelevant cult of personality." I'm looking for a dispassionate analysis. If what you say is true, I would like to understand it. The figures you provide do not seem to make the case. Perhaps I don't know how to interpret them. Perhaps five years ago I would have used that expression, but now the EFF, as represented by Malema and Shivambu, seems coherent and "rational." I put rational in inverted commas because I mean rational once certain axioms are accepted. I do not wish to see the EFF in power. I would appreciate it if you could expand upon your evaluation.