"the settler-colonial concept has vague connections to the original Marxist-Leninist gospel". You're almost on target. It was driven my the Monarchists, who are supported by Banksters (as in gangsters Rockerfeller's and of BIS and World banks) and billionaire oligarchs. There warriors are both their freemasons and Jesuits of the (Vatican). The Neo-Marxists do this to enable the wealth of countries to be extracted and asset stripped and passed onto the parasites who are the old Monarchies, Bankers, and Billionaires of the NWO.

Good source - : ROCKEFELLER ALLIES PIAN "'Total Onslaught" on the Afrikaner Working Class- eirv01n22-19741007 Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 1, Number 22, October 7, 1974

Another excellent reading is How the dead Souls of Venice corrupted Science Volume 21, Number 38, September 23, 1994 - https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1994/eirv21n38-19940923/index.html. Very good background into the political system of today forged by the Venetian gamemasters.

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Great article. Recent genetic studies reveal that the Bantu expansion across sub-saharan Africa was unusually genocidal. Not only were indigenous people wiped out, there was minimal interbreeding.


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