The majority of Israelis have supported a two state solution since 1948.

In 1948 this was rejected by Palestinians and all Arab countries.

From 1948-1967 when Gaza and the West Bank were part of Arab countries there was no move to create a Palestinian State in these regions. Indeed the PLO explicitly excluded these regions from its claims. It only claimed Israel within within the green line as a Palestinian State. All of it.

In 1993 the Israel allowed the PLO into West Bank and Gaza to form a self-governing entity in return for the PLO renouncing violence and accepting Israel's right to exist. Unfortunately Arafat immediately made it clear (in speeches in Arabic) that he did not accept Israel's right to exist. Instead He said that Oslo was part of the 'phased plan' agreed by the Palestinian national Council in 1974, whereby they would accept any land they could get and then use it as a base to eliminate Israel. Arafat funded terrorism and violence against Israeli civilians escalated dramatically after 1993, forcing Israel to build barriers and introduce checkpoints to protect itself from terror attack.

In 2000 Israel offered the Arafat a fully independent state with their capital at Jerusalem. Arafat rejected this and made no counter offer.

In 2008 Israel offered Abbas a fully independent state with its capital at Jerusalem. He ignored the offer.

In 2005 Israel completely vacated the Gaza Strip, removing all Israeli presence and forcibly removing over 10,000 settlers. Since then Hamas, which was elected by Gaza residents, has transformed the strip into a military base from which they have attacked Israel with suicide bombers, then missiles, and most recently by a fully fledged Invasion.

It should be obvious now to everyone that Palestinians have no interest in a 2 state solution. They have consistently said since well before the founding of Israel that they will not accept the existence of a Jewish state in the region.

It seems like the only feasible solutions are:

(1) Palestinians are persuaded to accept the existence of Israel and a two state solution.

(2) Israel is eliminated.

(3) Palestinians are eliminated.

Most of the effort of the world seems to be focused on supporting those whose aim is (2). This includes Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and the BDS campaign.

This will never succeed as Israel has nuclear weapons.

If you want to avoid (3) I recommend you focus on (1) and dial back support for those who support (2).

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There is a lot of what you wrote in there that is misleading, because it neglects key fact, false.

1. 1948 was an ethnic cleansing, in fact official declassified archives have now shown it to be the case with orders coming all the way from Ben Gurion.

2. The 2000s deal was not a fair deal deal, it was a sham to say the least. You just need to look at the map of what was proposed.


3. Israel did not stop their blockade in 2005, in fact they intensified it. When there was negotiations, Bush and others involved he didn't wants to "negotiate with terrorists". They called for elections. After it became clear that Hamas might win the west bank as well, the USA and Israel tried to instigate a coup d'état and propped up what was left of the PLO (that by now lost all legitimacy among the Palestinians).

4. It has been official Israeli policy to fund Hamas (in fact Israel did fund it) to prop it up so as to delay negotiations. Netanyahu admitted it as later as 2019 during the Likkud Party conference.

During all this period, the settlements kept on expanding in the west bank in particular. All attempts at a two state solution (that the entire Arab world, Iran, and even Hamas, agreed on) has been blocked by the USA and Israel.

Senior Israeli officials have on numerous occasions admitted that they have no intention on establishing it, because the ultimate goal is to govern from "the river to the sea" (the official slogan of the Likkud party).

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Good comment. But it was actually the same scumbags behind Israel and South Africa, Rhodesia and before that Australia. The Perfidious Albion. There is an excellent publication explaining their roll in Israel and its creation. Do not forget the roll of the Vatican and its blood libel either.


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